Celebrating the 50 years anniversary of my HAM license, I will be active from four African countries in September/October 2024. The operating sites are within 40-80 km circle of the common borders of Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and Namibia. Ten days of operation can be expected from each country on CW, SSB, and FT8 from 80 m up to 6 m. The licenses are in hand, the QTHs are booked.
I will use FT-710 transceiver and Elecraft K3S with KPA 500 power amplifier. The antenna is Hustler 6BTV vertical 80-10 m with 17m and 12 m add-on kit and for back-up multi-band inverted-V (80 m-6 m) an end-feed antenna on 12 m HD Spider pole, donated by Spiderbeam. The planned schedule is as follows,
- 03-13 September, Zimbabwe, Zambezi National Park region as Z22AO, QRA: KH21ww
- 14-23 September, Zambia, Victoria Falls region as 9J2AO, QRA: KH22wc; WWFF: 9JFF-0012
- 24 Sept-15 October, Botswana, Chobe National Park as A25AO, QRA: KH22oc; WWFF: A2FF-0002
- 05-14 October, Namibia, Katima Mulilo region as V51/HA5AO QRA: KH22dm Cancelled