C21HA Nauru
10 January - 06 February 2012

HA5AO, Pista
Operator name: Pista
Name: Istvan Gaspar
Born: 1951
Licenced since: 1976
Prefered modes: CW but also on SSB, RTTY
Other callsigns: T88CI, 7P8AO, YJ0HA, ex HA7VT
Other interest: travelling. music from the 60's and blues
HA5UK, George
Operator name: George
Name: Gyorgy Kovacs
Born: 1966
Licenced since: 1984
Prefered modes: CW but also on SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK
Other callsigns: YJ0HA, ex HA9TE, ex HA5CTA
Other interest: travelling, music, playing guitar